年度 |
名稱 |
研討會名稱 |
第一作者 |
共同作者 |
論文類型 |
語言 |
相關網址 |
2024 |
Analysis of opacity emissions testing for tractor exhaust gas in Taiwan during 2022~2023
The 11th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2024) |
Chiu, Y. C. |
Y. J. Chiou, C. H. Chen, X. R. Lin |
一般論文 |
2024 |
Light quality effect red romaine baby leaf content Fe, Mg, Ca, Vit.C, No3, Spad value, Stomatal conductance, and fresh weight in PFAL |
The 11th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2024) |
Chen C. H. |
Y. C. Chiu, C. K. HUANG, H. Y. CHUNG, W. FANG |
一般論文 |
2024 |
Study of the individual information collection system for weaner pigs |
AgEng2024 |
Chiu, Y. C. |
一般論文 |
2024 |
農業場域自動化控制系統應用類型簡介 |
農業數位學堂(五) |
邱奕志 |
專題演講 |
2024 |
農業業界科專計畫審查重點說明 |
業界科專說明會 |
邱奕志 |
專題演講 |
2024 |
開發符合高齡農民使用之農業輔具機具 |
高齡福祉科技之應用研討會 |
邱奕志 |
專題演講 |
2023 |
Smart Livestock Farming
光電研究所碩士班專題討論 |
Chiu, Y. C. |
專題演講 |
2023 |
植物工廠內 LED 光質影響蘿蔓萵苣嫩葉鐵鎂含量與鮮重 |
2023生機與農機學術研討會 |
陳啟輝 |
鍾興穎、邱奕志、方煒 |
一般論文 |
2022 |
Design of a soft-clip grafting robotic system for fruit-bearing vegetable seedling |
Proceedings of The 10th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2022) |
Yi-Chich Chiu |
Y. C. Chang, G. J. Wu, S. Chen, L. W. Chung, and C. H. Chen. |
一般論文 |
2022 |
Smart Agriculture in TAIWAN |
ISMAB 2022 The 10th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering |
Yi-Chich Chiu |
專題演講 |
2022 |
保育豬舍環境監控系統之設計 |
台灣雲端與服務計算研討會 |
邱奕志 |
陳懷恩、游玉祥、陳啟輝 |
一般論文 |
2022 |
智慧省工 |
2022中臺灣農業科技前瞻論壇 |
邱奕志 |
專題演講 |
2022 |
智慧農機 |
2022農機共識營(二) |
邱奕志 |
專題演講 |
2022 |
智能化家禽生產系統 |
農機發展策略共識會議 |
邱奕志 |
專題演講 |
2022 |
肥育豬舍環境監控系統之設計 |
2022農機與生機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
陳啟輝 |
一般論文 |
2021 |
Digitization of Marketing and Service System for Poultry Industry |
2021 Agriculture Innovation X Digital Transformation Online Forum |
Chiu, Y. C. |
專題演講 |
2021 |
宜陽牧場智能化環境監控之應用 |
2021生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
林怡凱 |
2021 |
應用紅外線熱影像判讀種公豬陰囊溫度及建立與精液品質之關聯性 |
2021生機與農機學術研討會 |
林桂弘、游玉祥 |
林怡凱、邱奕志、游為舜、陳懷恩 |
其他 |
2021 |
農機修法方向重點介紹 |
農機發展策略共識會議 |
邱奕志 |
陳啟輝 |
專題演講 |
2021 |
連續式蔬果種苗嫁接機之研發 |
2021生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
吳剛智、張允瓊、陳世銘、陳啟輝 |
2020 |
An Intelligent Detection and Notification (iDN) System for Handling Piglet Crushing based on Machine Learning |
2019 IC 3International Cognitive Cities Conference |
Chen, H. E. |
L. X. Chen,Y. C. Chiu |
其他 |
2020 |
Development of a Tubing-Grafting Robotic System for Fruit-bearing
Vegetable Seedlings |
2020農機與生機學術研討會 |
Chiang, Y. C. |
Y. C. Chiu,C. H. Chen,S. Chen |
2020 |
多時變嫁接苗癒合室之節能效益分析 |
2020農機與生機學術研討會 |
張允瓊 |
邱奕志、陳啟輝 |
2020 |
自動化羊隻精料餵飼機之研製 |
2020農機與生機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
吳剛智、陳啟輝、林怡凱、蔡惟至 |
2019 |
Application of Fluorescent Imaging on the Detection of Whitebait Bleaching |
APFITA 2019 Foresee Global Trend in New Horizon of Asia‐Pacific Smart Agriculture |
Huang, Y. W. |
Y. C. Chiu |
2019 |
Development of an environmental monitoring and control system for weaner pig houses |
2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting |
Chiu, Y. C. |
P. W. Huang, Y. K. Lin, M. Y. Chang |
2019 |
Development of automatic precision fodder concentrates feeding system for goat |
XXXVIII CIOSTA & CIGR V International Conference |
Chiu, Y. C. |
W. C. Tsai |
2019 |
Inspection technologies for seedling disease and fruit bruise using fluorescence imaging |
The 2nd Japan-Taiwan Joint NIR Workshop |
Chiu, Y. C. |
2019 |
The design of an anaerobic fermentation tank inflow preheating and thermal insulation monitoring and control system |
APFITA 2019 Foresee Global Trend in New Horizon of Asia‐Pacific Smart Agriculture |
Yi-Chich Chiu |
Gang-Jhy Wu, Chi-Hui Chen |
2019 |
The study of environmental monitoring system in closed-type broiler houses |
APFITA 2019 Foresee Global Trend in New Horizon of Asia‐Pacific Smart Agriculture |
Chiu, Y. C. |
Z. Y. Liu |
2019 |
Validation of pig sound recognition system |
2nd International Conference on Veterinary and Animal Science |
Hong, Y. B. |
S. W. Jiang, W. E. Chen, Y. H. Yu, and Y. C. Chiu |
2019 |
以人機介面整合可程式控制器進行嫁接苗癒合室之環控介面設計 |
2019生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
張允瓊、蔡伊洋、黃楓升, |
2019 |
利用Websocket在農業環境遠端監控之應用 |
2019生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
林怡凱 |
2019 |
加壓泵注入式糞肥施灌機之設計 |
2019生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
吳剛智、陳啟輝 |
2019 |
應用LoRa傳輸技術於密閉式肉雞舍環境監測系統之研究 |
2019生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
劉姿吟 |
2019 |
智慧豬隻監控管理系統之設計 |
2019生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
張瀚元、詹曜維、章育銘、陳函 |
2019 |
螢光影像應用於檢測漂白魩仔魚之研究 |
2019生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
黃宥為 |
2019 |
軟夾式蔬果嫁接機應用於甜椒嫁接苗生產之可行性評估 |
2019生機與農機學術研討會 |
張允瓊 |
邱奕志、陳世銘、林連雄、王鼎翔、呂友和、呂育家 |
2019 |
釋迦果園焚風預警監控系統 |
2019生機與農機學術研討會 |
張明毅 |
鄔家琪、羅紹軒、顏玉航、楊欽仲、邱奕志 |
2018 |
A modeling analysis system of massive data for Chinese country chicken breeding |
Chiu, Y. C. |
M. Y. Chang, W. E. Chen, C. F. Lin |
2018 |
An Intelligent Flexible Transport System Using RFID and Robot Technology in Egg Packing Factory |
ACEAT 2018 |
Chang, M. Y. |
Y. C. Chiu, S. L. Kuo |
2018 |
Development of Agricultural Facility Monitoring System Using LoRa Wireless Sensor Network |
The Modern Engineering and Technology Seminar |
Chiu, Y. C. |
2018 |
Development of a harvest mechanism for plant factory harvest robots |
The 2018 International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Bio-systems Engineering(ISMAB 2018) |
Hsu, S. F. |
G. J. Wu, Y. C. Chiu. |
2018 |
Digital transformation of agriculture and agribusiness: issues, challenges, and opportunities |
Workshop on Digital Agribusiness |
Chiu, Y. C. |
專題演講 |
2018 |
Digitization of marketing and service system for poultry industry: experience of Taiwan |
Workshop on Digital Agribusiness |
Chiu, Y. C. |
專題演講 |
2018 |
Employing Lora low-power wireless network for environmental monitoring in agricultural facilities |
The 2018 International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Bio-systems Engineering(ISMAB 2018) |
Chiu, Y. C. |
P. W. Huang, M. Y. Chang, W. E. Chen |
2018 |
Integrated study of a picking robot for greenhouse grown sweet pepper |
EurAgEng 2018 conference |
Chiu, Y. C. |
L. W. Chung, G. J. Wu |
2018 |
Smart livestock farming |
Workshop on Digital Agribusiness |
Chiu, Y. C. |
專題演講 |
2018 |
Study of pear orchard environment monitoring using LoRa wireless sensor network |
The 2018 International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Bio-systems Engineering(ISMAB 2018) |
Huang, P. W., Y. C. Chiu. |
T. T. Lin |
一般論文 |
2018 |
The study of environment monitoring system for closed Taiwan country chicken house |
The 2018 International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Bio-systems Engineering(ISMAB 2018) |
Chiu, Y. C. |
2018 |
應用ZigBee無線傳輸技術於禽舍環境監控之探討 |
2018農機與生機學術研討會 |
林哲緯、蕭書偉、邱奕志 |
2018 |
真空泵加壓撒佈式糞肥施灌機之設計 |
2018農機與生機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
吳剛智、陳啟輝 |
2018 |
砧穗規格對軟夾式自動嫁接機之作業效率之影響 |
2018農機與生機學術研討會 |
陳慶杰 |
張允瓊、陳世銘、邱奕志 |
2018 |
連續式南瓜泥乾燥機之設計 |
2018農機與生機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
林智凱、鐘立雯、陳啟輝 |
2017 |
Establishing an automatic system for identifying the stems of salted plums |
2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting |
Chiu, Y. C. |
C. C. Tung, P. J. Wu |
2017 |
LoRa 長距離低功耗物聯網於植物工廠之應用 |
WASN2017 第十三屆無線、隨意及感測網路研討會 |
張明毅 |
羅紹軒、邱奕志、鄔家琪、陳懷恩 |
一般論文 |
2017 |
LoRa通訊技術應用於果園環境監測之探討 |
2017年生機與農機學術研討會 |
黃珮雯、邱奕志 |
一般論文 |
2017 |
LoRa長距離低功耗通訊物聯網應用於宜蘭地區農業環境監控之探討 |
WASN2017 第十三屆無線、隨意及感測網路研討會 |
邱奕志 |
張明毅、黃珮雯、鄔家琪、顏玉航、陳懷恩 |
一般論文 |
2017 |
Moving into the Era of Agriculture 4.0 with Intelligent Technology in Taiwan |
The 1st Denmark–Taiwan Joint Business Council Meeting |
Chiu, Y. C. |
2017 |
加壓注入式糞肥施灌機之設計 |
2017年生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
吳剛智、陳啟輝 |
一般論文 |
2017 |
嫁接番茄之規格化砧穗種苗生產策略探討 |
2017年生機與農機學術研討會 |
張允瓊 |
陳慶杰、陳世銘、邱奕志 |
一般論文 |
2017 |
植物工廠機器人採收系統及技術之研發 |
科技部生農環境及多樣性學門成果發表會 |
邱奕志 |
一般論文 |
2017 |
省工蔬果嫁接機之設計 |
2017年生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
張允瓊、陳世銘、呂育家、鐘立雯 |
一般論文 |
2017 |
移動式豬糞尿厭氧池進流預熱系統之設計 |
2017年生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
吳剛智、陳啟輝 |
一般論文 |
2017 |
自動化羊隻精料餵飼系統之設計 |
2017年生機與農機學術研討會 |
蔡惟至、邱奕志 |
一般論文 |
2017 |
鷄蛋孵化系統之大數據研究 |
2017年生機與農機學術研討會 |
張恒睿 |
鄭心婷、林孝哲、馮自強、邱奕志、張明毅、劉姿吟 |
一般論文 |
2016 |
A new identification and locating system for shrimp heads |
International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 2016(ISMAB 2016) |
Chiu Y. C. |
Z. Y. Liu |
一般論文 |
2016 |
Automated detection of mechanically induced bruise areas in golden delicious apples using fluorescence imagery |
The 12th International Workshop on Nondestructive Quality Evaluation of Agricultural, Livestock and Fishery Products |
Chiu, Y. C |
一般論文 |
2016 |
Automated detection of mechanically induced bruise areas in golden delicious apples using fluorescence imagery |
The 12th International Workshop on Nondestructive Quality Evaluation of Agricultural, Livestock and Fishery Products |
Chiu, Y. C. |
一般論文 |
2016 |
Decision support system for blades selection in garden tillers |
International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 2016(ISMAB 2016) |
Chiu, Y. C. |
P. W. Huang |
一般論文 |
2016 |
Design of a picking robot system for sweet pepper |
International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 2016(ISMAB 2016) |
Chiu Y. C |
L. W. Chung |
一般論文 |
2016 |
Design of a soil-stratum-setting type manure spreading machine |
International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 2016(ISMAB 2016) |
Chiu, Y. C. |
G. J. Wu, C. H. Chen |
一般論文 |
2016 |
Development of a fluorescence imaging system for online detection of bruises on apples |
The International Workshop on "Gathering and Dissemination of Fluorescence Technologies in Agri-Commodities and Bio-Products |
Chiu, Y. C. |
一般論文 |
2016 |
Development of a low-cost, light-weight, and high-mobility automatic shrimp peeler |
International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 2016(ISMAB 2016) |
Chiu, Y. C. |
T. Y. |
一般論文 |
2016 |
糞肥施用處理機之試驗改良 |
2016農機與生機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
吳剛智、陳啟輝 |
2016 |
自走式田間自動卸取箱機之研製 |
2016農機與生機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
吳剛智、陳啟輝 |
一般論文 |
2015 |
Automation on rice-seedling production |
The Sixth Asian Conference on Precision Agriculture (6th ACPA),Guangzhou |
Chiu, Y. C. |
專題演講 |
2015 |
中耕機刀具選用系統設計 |
2015年生機與農機學術研討會 |
黃珮雯、邱奕志 |
一般論文 |
2015 |
以葉綠素螢光進行草莓種苗之病害檢測 |
104年農業工程與自動化學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
徐偉智 |
專題演講 |
2015 |
宜蘭大學以學生為導向之產學研資源整合成效 |
2015津台高等教育高峰論壇 |
邱奕志 |
專題演講 |
2015 |
植物工廠作物採收機器人 |
2015植物工廠研討會 |
邱奕志 |
2015 |
機器視覺結合機械手臂應用於草莓自動化採收之探討 |
2015年生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱榮志 |
歐陽鋒,陳奕安,邱奕志 |
2015 |
表施式糞肥施用處理機之研製 |
2015年生機與農機學術研討會 |
邱奕志 |
吳剛智、陳啟輝 |
一般論文 |
2015 |
適合台灣的施灌機具開發 |
畜牧廢棄物再利用於農地之相關法規管理技術與應用研討會 |
邱奕志 |
專題演講 |
2014 |
Analysis of the chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Phalaenopsis |
The 7th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering(ISMAB 2014) |
Chiu, Y. C. |
L. W. Chung, P. Y. Li, Y. C. Chang |
一般論文 |
2014 |
Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to develop a machine vision system for strawberry maturity classification |
The 7th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.(ISMAB 2014) |
Ou-Yang, F. |
Y. A. Chen, Y. C. Chiu, J. P. Tsai |
2014 |
Development of a Wireless Monitoring System for Autonomous Carriers in Greenhouses |
International Conference on Plant Factory () 2014 |
Chiu, Y. C. |
T. H. Wu, S. Chen, K. W. Hsieh |
專題演講 |
2014 |
Development of on-line apple bruise detection system |
The 18th World Congress of CIGR |
Chiu, Y. C. |
C. H. Chen |
專題演講 |
2014 |
Effects of biodiesel-butanol of diesel engine performance and emissions using response surface method |
The 7th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering(ISMAB 2014) |
Tsai, J. M |
S. Chen, Y. C. Chiu, C. Y. Tsai, Y. C. Chang |
一般論文 |
2014 |
Evaluation of Escherichia coli contamination on fresh vegetables using fluorescence spectroscopy. |
2014 ASABE and CSBE/SCGAB Annual International Meeting. |
Chen, S. |
Y. C. Chien, Y. C. Chiu, C. Y. Tsai, I. C. Yang, Y. K. Chuang, R. C. Lee |
專題演講 |
2014 |
Inspection of contamination on fresh-to-eat vegetables using fluorescence spectroscopy |
The 7th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.(ISMAB 2014) |
Chien,Y. C |
S. Chen, Y. C. Chiu, C. Y. Tsai, I. C. Yang, Y. K. Chuang, R. C. Lee |
一般論文 |
2014 |
Planning the collection and transportation of rice straw in Nantou county, Taiwan |
The 7th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.(ISMAB 2014) |
Guo, S. J., Y. C. Chiu |
S. Chen, C. Y. Tsai, J. M. Tsai. |
2014 |
Quality Inspection for Seedlings and Fruits by using Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging System |
The Second International Summit on Precision Agriculture (ISTPA 2014) |
Chiu, Y. C. |
專題演講 |
2014 |
Study of the disease spot detection of cabbage using chlorophyll fluorescence. |
ASABE and CSBE/SCGAB Annual International Meeting. |
Chiu, Y. C. |
W. C. Hsu |
專題演講 |
2014 |
Wireless monitoring for autonomous carriers |
Workshop on Information Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture for 9 Billion People's Food Production |
Chiu, Y. C |
其他 |
2014 |
台灣育苗產業之現況與發展 |
2014年浙台农业及生物技术与商业机遇研讨会 |
邱奕志 |
專題演講 |
2014 |
植物工廠自動化萵苣採收機構之設計與研究 |
2014農機與生機論文研討會 |
許韶方 |
吳剛智、邱奕志 |
一般論文 |
2014 |
蝦自動剝殼機的模組化設計 |
2014農機與生機論文研討會 |
洪啟峰 |
程安邦、邱奕志、連豪勝、周御翔、涂哲文 |
一般論文 |
2013 |
Study of the disease detection for crop seedlings by using chlorophyll fluorescence |
CIOSTA XXXV Conference |
Chiu, Y. C. |
C. K. Liao, Y. C. Chang |
2013 |
以反應曲面法分析生質柴油混合丁醇添加應用於柴油引擎性能及排氣之研究 |
2013生機與農機學術研討會 |
蔡錦銘 |
陳世銘、邱奕志、蔡兆胤、張岳錡 |
一般論文 |
2013 |
以影像處理技術辨識草莓果實成熟度及果柄採摘位置 |
生機與農機學術研討會 |
陳奕安 |
歐陽鋒、邱奕志、蔡瑞彬 |
一般論文 |
2013 |
南投地區稻稈集運規劃之研究 |
2013生機與農機學術研討會 |
郭訓志、邱奕志 |
陳世銘、蔡兆胤、楊宜璋、蔡錦銘 |
一般論文 |
2013 |
應用螢光光譜技術檢測受菌污染之研究 |
生機與農機學術研討會 |
簡佑佳 |
陳世銘、蔡兆胤、邱奕志、楊宜璋、莊永坤、李睿芝 |
一般論文 |
2013 |
草莓生長期間成熟度變化之初探 |
2013生機與農機學術研討會 |
王潮鴻、蔡瑋庭、邱奕志 |
歐陽鋒、蔡瑞彬 |
一般論文 |
2013 |
蝴蝶蘭種苗之葉綠素螢光特性分析 |
2013生機與農機學術研討會 |
李珮瑩、鐘立雯、邱奕志 |
張允瓊 |
一般論文 |
2012 |
Computer aided human factor engineering analysis of a versatile agricultural power |
The 6th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2012) |
Wu, G. J |
J. J. Lin, Y. C. Chiu |
2012 |
Development of machine vision system for tomato harvesting robot |
The 6th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2012) |
Pan, P. J. |
S. Chen, J. C. Li, Y. C. Chiu |
2012 |
Development of the End-Effector of a Picking Robot for Greenhouse-Grown Tomatoes |
The 43rd International Symposium on Robotics (2012 ISR) |
Chiu, Y. C. |
P. Y. Yang, S. Chen |
2012 |
Integrated Test of An Autonomous Tomato Picking Robot |
2012 CIGR Section VI International Technical Symposium on Innovating the Food Value Chain |
Chiu, Y. C. |
S. Chen, P. Y. Yang, J. F. Lin |
2012 |
Study of an autonomous picking robot system for greenhouse grown tomatoes |
The 6th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2012) |
Chiu, Y. C. |
S. Chen, J. F. Lin |
2012 |
Study of biodiesel-ethanol blends on diesel engine performance and emissions using response surface method |
The 6th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2012) |
Tsai, J. M. |
S. Chen, Y. C. Chiu, Y. L. Chen, C. Y. Tsai |
2012 |
以反應曲面法分析生質柴油混合乙醇添加應用於柴油引擎性能及排氣之研究 |
2012農機與生機學術研討會 |
蔡錦銘 |
陳世銘、 邱奕志、 陳毓良、 陳健智、蔡兆胤、張岳錡、 陳睿麒 |
2012 |
機械視覺系統用於番茄採收之研究 |
2012農機與生機學術研討會 |
潘姵如 |
陳世銘、李柔靜、邱奕志、蔡兆胤 |
2011 |
A Study of Apple Bruise Detection by Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence Image |
2011 ASABE Meeting |
Chiu, Y. C. |
M. T. Chen |
2011 |
Automated Detection of Mechanically Induced Bruise Are as in Golden Delicious Apples Using Fluorescence Imagery |
XXXIV CIOSTA CIGR V Conference 2011 |
Chiu, Y. C. |
X. L. Chou, T. E. Grift, M. T. Chen |
2011 |
Development of a wireless inter-robot communication system for greenhouse operations |
SEAg 2011 Conference |
Chiu, Y. C. |
P. Y. Yang, T. E. Grift |
2011 |
木瓜採摘雛型爪具之設計 |
2011農機與生機論文發表會 |
吳宗翰 |
邱奕志、陳世銘、楊本源 |
2011 |
番茄採收機器人爪具之試驗改良 |
2011農機與生機論文發表會 |
楊本源 |
邱奕志、陳世銘 |
2010 |
Development of an automatic tray-discharging system for rice seedling |
The 5th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (2010 ISMAB) |
Chiu, Y. C. |
Y. H. Chu, G. J. Wu |
2010 |
Development of an automatic tray-discharging system for rice seedling |
The 5th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (2010 ISMAB), |
邱奕志 |
2010 |
Study on machine vision system for tomato picking robot |
The 5th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (2010 ISMAB) |
Li, J. C. |
S. Chen, Y. L. Chen, Y. C. Chiu, W. T. Tu, P. J. Pan |
2010 |
攜帶型水果內部品質檢測系統操作之人因工程分析 |
2010農機與生機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
2010 |
攜帶型水果內部品質檢測系統操作之人因工程分析 |
2010農機與生機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
林靖翔、陳世銘、蔡兆胤 |
2010 |
番茄採收機器人影像辨識性能提升之研究 |
2010農機與生機論文發表會 |
潘姵如 |
陳世銘、邱奕志、李柔靜、陳毓良、張淳皓 |
2010 |
秧苗箱自動取箱搬運作業分析之研究 |
2010農機與生機論文發表會 |
朱雅慧 |
邱奕志 |
2010 |
設施內番茄採收爪具之研製 |
2010農機與生機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
2010 |
設施內番茄採收爪具之研製 |
2010農機與生機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
楊本源、陳世銘、林家鋒 |
2010 |
農業機械自動化研究發展之展望 |
農業機械自動化研究發展之策略與作為研討會 |
邱奕志 |
2010 |
農業機械自動化研究發展之展望 |
農業機械自動化研究發展之策略與作為研討會 |
邱奕志 |
2009 |
攜帶型水果內部品質檢測系統操作之人因工程分析 |
2009生物機電與農機科技論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
2009 |
番石榴自動秤重分級作業之研究 |
2009生物機電與農機科技論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
2007 |
Automation of vegetable grafting operations in Taiwan |
International Seminar on Agricultural Structure and Agricultural Engineering(IS-ASAE) |
邱奕志 |
2007 |
虛擬人在農業生產系統人因分析之應用 |
2007年農業資訊科技應用研討會 |
邱奕志 |
2006 |
3D Computer-aided human factor engineering analysis of a grafting robot |
World Congress Agricultural Engineering for a Better World, September 2006, Bonn, German |
邱奕志 |
2006 |
Development of an automatic outward-feature properties measurement system for grafted tomato seedlings |
ASABE 2006 Annual Meeting. Portland, OR |
邱奕志 |
2006 |
Human factor engineering analysis of rice seedling transportation peration by computer-aided3D simulation technology |
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Bio-systems Engineering |
邱奕志 |
2006 |
水果分級輸送及出料系統之研製 |
2006生物機電工程研討會 |
邱奕志 |
2006 |
水果連續式動態秤重分級系統之研製 |
2006生物機電工程研討會 |
邱奕志 |
2005 |
Development of an Automatic Pallet Loading/unloading System for Seeded Trays |
ASAE 2002 Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV |
邱奕志 |
2005 |
秧苗箱自動疊棧機之試驗改良 |
2005農機與生機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
2004 |
Study of quality detection methods for grafted bitter melon seedlings |
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Bio-systems Engineering |
邱奕志 |
2004 |
電腦圖控式水果分級之平行出料控制系統研製 |
2004生機與農機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
2003 |
Development of an automatic pallet loading/unloading system for seeded trays |
America: Las Vegas |
邱奕志 |
2003 |
套管式蔬果種苗嫁接機之世紀與嫁接存活率之分析研究 |
92年農機與生機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
2003 |
循環式瓜類種苗嫁接機之設計與試驗 |
92年農機與生機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
2003 |
循環式瓜類種苗嫁接機之設計與試驗 |
92年農機與生機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
2003 |
水稻育苗中心搬運作業決策支援系統之建立 |
2003資訊科技在農業之應用研討會 |
邱奕志 |
2003 |
水稻育苗播種作業室空間規劃之研究 |
92年農機與生機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
2002 |
Development of automatic transportation system for rice seedling production |
ISMAB 2002 |
邱奕志 |
2002 |
Simulation of Automatic Output Operations for Rice Seedlings |
ASAE 2002 Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL |
邱奕志 |
2002 |
Simulation of automatic output operations for rice seedlings |
2002 ASAE Annual International Meeting |
邱奕志 |
2001 |
Simulation of automatic tray-unloading operations for rice seedlings |
2001 ASAE Annual International Meeting |
邱奕志 |
2001 |
秧苗箱自動卸取機之研製 |
第十六屆全國技術及職業教育研討會 |
邱奕志 |
2000 |
應用可程式控制器及人機介面於精密栽培室環控系統之研製 |
第十五屆全國技術及職業教育研討會 |
邱奕志 |
2000 |
水稻秧苗箱自動卸取機及自動捲苗機之開發 |
中華民國八十九年產業自動化會議 |
邱奕志 |
2000 |
秧苗箱自動卸取機及自動捲苗機之試驗改良 |
八十九年農機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
1999 |
Design of an acclimatization chamber for grafted seedlings |
JSAM 1999 international workshop on agricultural mechanization |
邱奕志 |
1999 |
Development on an acclimatization chamber for grafted seedlings |
1999 ASAE Annual International Meeting |
邱奕志 |
1999 |
Development on an automatic rolling system for rice seedlings |
1999 ASAE Annual International Meeting |
邱奕志 |
1999 |
應用可程式控制器及人機介面進行精密環境栽培室之環控系統研製 |
八十八年農機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
1999 |
辣椒剝皮機之研製 |
第十四屆全國技術及職業教育研討會 |
邱奕志 |
1998 |
A study on the prediction of production schedule during the period of paddy-rice plant nursery |
1998 ASAE Annual International Meeting |
邱奕志 |
1998 |
辣椒自動化剝皮之研究 |
八十七年農業機械論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
1997 |
Simulation of transport operations using a gantry system |
ISAMA 97 |
邱奕志 |
1997 |
水稻育苗場搬運作業體系之分析 |
第十二屆全國技術及職業教育研討會 |
邱奕志 |
1997 |
水稻育苗期間生產工期之預測研究 |
八十六年農機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
1996 |
An analysis on the seeding system for rice nursery |
八十五年農機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
1996 |
Simulation model of seeding system for paddy nursery |
1996 ASAE Annual International Meeting |
邱奕志 |
1995 |
甘藍種苗生產工程分析之初探 |
八十四年農機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
1994 |
茶園及坡地果園施肥專用機之研究 |
八十三年農機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
1994 |
蝦剝殼機之研究 |
第九屆全國技術及職業教育研討會 |
邱奕志 |
1993 |
蝦剝殼自動處理機之研究 |
八十二年農機論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |
1991 |
果蔬分級機並列出料原理 |
中華民國農學團體八十年度聯合年會特刊 |
邱奕志 |
1991 |
果蔬分級機並列式出料之設計 |
八十年度農業論文發表會 |
邱奕志 |